Seeds repository

Welcome in our InteractionSeeds repository. We aim at facilitating knowledge valorisation by testing, sharing and promoting good practices. This repository gathers examples of artistic and cultural interactions (the so called "Interaction Seeds") that have demonstrated positive effects to co-create solutions or communicate Science to citizens, and that are easily replicable.

About the repository

InteractionSeeds motivations are to humanize technology, take science out of the lab, encourage critical thinking, challenge technology, and explore new path to progress.
For this, artistic and cultural organizations have a unique set of skills. Arts-based methods creates conditions for knowing, experiencing and strengthening relationships with the world through signs, forms, actions and objects.
Applied to research, the goal is to imagine solutions for a better and more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future.
By the implementation of InteractionSeeds, we mean the implementation of artistic or cultural interactions.
These interactions are defined as an activity that takes the form of an artwork, such as:

Visual arts including artistic crafts


Audiovisual and multimedia


Archtecture and design

Artistic performances


Stimulating dreams in the Dream Hotel project

Art form:
Offer a structure to the visitors of the Beyeler Foundation to explore other realities as in a dream.

This exposition offers the opportunity to lucky visitors to experience flying dreams. Visitors are thus invited to sleep in the “Dream Hotel Room 1: Dreaming of Flying with Flying Fly Agarics”: where sound, sight and somatic stimulation are introduced.



Sustainable Fashion

Art form:
How to enable the local fashion industry to make the ecological transition demanded by the international context and thus increase its competitiveness

Space for honest conversation, transparency and accountability that offers designers the opportunity to share innovative and creative solutions to some of the pressing social and environmental challenges facing the fashion industry today



Tango and Scan

Stimulate creativity and competitiveness of local companies

Tango and Scan is a call for projects taking place every year in the City of Strasbourg in France with the aim of fostering cross-fertilisation collaborations.

Tango therapy

Art form:
Alzheimer's is a progressive disease beginning with mild memory loss and possibly leading to loss of the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the environment. Tango therapy helps people with Alzheimer's to relearn simple but forgotten movements

Therapeutic Tango for old people with Alzhheimer’s to stimulate memory, promote social contact and increase overall quality of life



Touch of inclusion

Art form:
How to design environments that are more inclusive for people with disabilities

Use of a vibro-tactile device in workshops to engage participants in discussions of inclusive environments for people with disabilities.


Youth climate café

Art form:
How do we ensure young people become ‘climate literate’? And when they are, how do we ensure that literacy does not become overwhelming ?

The Climate Cafe implemented in the framework of the CCC-Catapult project is a free event for everyone, led by the youth, for all young citizens to talk and display art about the climate crisis

Submit your own

Join us on this exciting journey of creativity and collaboration and do not hesitate to submit and share your own good practices

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